STT Smart Energy Management System (EMS), along with its advanced and essential services, is built to help you to manage your energy usage smartly, including
A sophisticated and state-of-the-art solution to energy efficiency, Celex Smart EMS is obviously the most dependable tool that you need to optimize your energy management and eco protection needs.
System Architecture
Operated on a smart cloud platform,enables long distance, multi-site and multi-meter communication and can optimize effective alarm triggering for rememdial actions against anomalous conditions
Wireless end-to-end metering
Flawless energy monitoring, analysis and alarming to identify the anomalous conditions
Convenient cloud computing and color rich GUI access to view energy usage patterns of multiple buildings
Pre-defined monitoring & reporting to verify utility billing of multi-tenant complexes
Deviation Analysis Graphs enabling users to uncover hidden energy efficiency opportunities so as to maximize the ROI
Celex Smart EMS is well suited for a broad range of applications to meet various energy management needs required