STT Revolutionary

Smart Energy Management Systems

Your Dependable Energy Saving Tool

Smart EMS - Key Benefits

STT Smart Energy Management System (EMS), along with its advanced and essential services,
is built to help you to manage your energy usage smartly, including

A sophisticated and state-of-the-art solution to energy efficiency,
Celex Smart EMS is obviously the most dependable tool
that you need to optimize your energy management and eco protection needs.

System Architecture

Operated on a smart cloud platform,enables long distance, multi-site and multi-meter communication and
can optimize effective alarm triggering for rememdial actions against anomalous conditions

Wireless end-to-end metering

Flawless energy monitoring, analysis and alarming to identify the anomalous conditions

Convenient cloud computing and color rich GUI access to view energy usage patterns of multiple buildings

Pre-defined monitoring & reporting to verify utility billing of multi-tenant complexes

Deviation Analysis Graphs enabling users to uncover hidden energy efficiency opportunities so as to maximize the ROI


Celex Smart EMS is well suited for a broad range of applications
to meet various energy management needs required

Improves Facility Efficiency
Conducts Chiller Monitoring
Improves pump efficiency
Airport Monitoring
Battery Life Monitoring
Monitors Power Systems
Enhances Building Services
Remote Fault Diagnosis