Leading the Way in Cracking Mosquito Born Disease
with GeoAI & IoT Technologies

STT Intelligent Mosquito Killer Lamp is a smart vector control system designed with an aim to reduce mosquito risk and provide mosquito disease index rediction. The system monitor and address the mosquito-borne diseases by geographical location in Hong Kong

integrates Internet of Things

Geographical Information System (GIS)

Artificial Intelligence

A Sophisticated AI Design

Besides the core hardware which is a solar powered mosquito killer lamp utilizing UVC and electric current as the fundamental tools to kill the fly-in mosquitoes,
the important part of this system is the comprehensive set of sensors and software consisting of


that counts the quantity of mosquitoes killed

WebApp Dashboard

to enable illustration of the desired information on remote, portable or mobile devices

Cloud platform

for transforming GeoAI output into meaningful and exportable information

Wide scope sensor

to monitor the nearby weather and environmental parameters

System Architecture

Key Features:

New Generation Mosquito Killer Lamp

(more portable and flexible)

3-day Mosquito Index Prediction

The GeoAI and the Reporting WebApp

Manipulates and analyzes the data

The number of mosquitoes killed, the weather and environmental data and GIS Spatial information

Integrated with hardware adn GeoAI

llustrate the real time data such as quantity of mosquitoes killed, the weather information

Provide reports and Predicting hazards

predict the mosquito harmfulness risk in terms of mosquito index by location over the next 3 days